Volcano Plushie House

Original price was: $8.00.Current price is: $6.40.

Friday, my dear husband told me that he “adopted” a 4-6 year old at work for Christmas gifts. The boy said he liked dinosaurs. Boom! I’ve got this covered. 🦖🦕
I’ve been itching to make a woodland creature house….volcanoes are super similar.

Requirements from the resident paleontologist (my 13 year old son, who would have loved this!!)
1️⃣ must have a handle so it can be transportable✔️
2️⃣ must hold beanie baby size dinos ✔️

Verdict: all smiles from the paleontologist (who gave generously from his discontinued dino collection)

Your little paleontologist will LOVE this volcano house, and the ability to take his or her favorite toys, in a moment’s notice.

Fabric Requirements:
1 yard brown fabric
1/8 yd orange fabric
batting remnants
bias tape

Skill Level: Beginner.  Basic sewing skills, with ability to sew a 1/4″ seam.

Volcano Plushie House

Original price was: $8.00.Current price is: $6.40.