Raven Pattern – EPP & FPP – PDF Download


From Edgar Allen Poe to Grand Canyon, ravens have left their mark on the land, and our literature. Use this block to represent Edgar Allen Poe NHP, or the many sites where these clever and mischievous birds live. Create a cozy quilt, showing off all the amazing adventures you’ve had!  Or create a bucket list quilt with the National Parks you want to visit.

Do you have loads of embroidered patches you’ve collected, but not sure what to do with them? You can sew all of your patches to a “National Park Sign”, and remember all the fun memories you had in the park!

🧵 Available in either Foundation or English paper piecing
🧵 Printable English paper piecing papers!

Finished block size: 4.5 x 9″


Raven Pattern – EPP & FPP – PDF Download