Garden Party FPP PDF Pattern – download

Original price was: $12.00.Current price is: $9.60.

Have you ever hoarded tiny scraps of your favorite fabric, because you just want to use every bit possible?!  It’s ok, you can raise your hand!  Fabric hoarders rejoice!  The Garden Party pattern is just for you.  This pattern will allow you to use your favorite scraps for the background fabric, and is fat quarter friendly for the main flowers.
The Garden Party pattern is perfect for beginner or advanced quilters.  There are no curved seams, but when the blocks are put together, it LOOKS like the piecing is curved.

Each block is 12″ wide.  Note: blocks are not square.
Finished size:  48 x 64.3” quilt
The PDF is 9 pages
Prints on 8.5 x 11″ paper
The pattern is delivered through email, and available in “My Account” after purchase.
This pattern is for personal use only, and may not be shared with friends or foes. 😉

Garden Party FPP PDF Pattern – download

Original price was: $12.00.Current price is: $9.60.