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Learn how to Paper Piece!

Paper piecing has gotten a bad wrap. I’ve found that videos might teach the overall method of foundation paper piecing, the instructors don’t teach how to troubleshoot, leaving the student without the knowledge of where to accurately place fabric so she doesn’t cut off what she just sewed!

I learned to foundation paper piece (FPP) from written instructions in the 90’s – pre youtube!! When I rediscovered FPP as an adult, I was SO frustrated! How did I previously know how to do this?! How were the videos so rotten?! I so desperately wanted to be successful – I wanted my points to match up, and seams to be accurate! So I set out to learn the how’s and why’s of FPP. In this course, I will take the mystery out of FPP, and teach you the how’s and why’s so YOUR seams are accurate and YOUR points match up!! This will become your favorite method!

The learning curve for English paper piecing (EPP) is shorter thank FPP, but the mystery lies within “Why in the world would you do that?!” You could probably think of a million things you’d rather do than sew by hand. I thought the same thing too! But I found that it’s really nice to have a project in my purse while I wait for activities, or a waiting room, or at the playground with children, or in the evening, or while on a trip…I have found that it’s SO relaxing to slow down and have some time away from the hubbub of the world. Our world is so fast paced; having something to recenter and purposefully slow down, is a wonderful way to wind down.


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