Exclusive offer
This is THE tool that successful National Park quilters use!
In the free download, you’ll discover what colors to pick. This handbook will show you what fabrics and prints to use.
Get the Art Quilt Fabric Handbook and learn how to:
- QUICKLY and CONFIDENTLY select fabrics from your stash, or the fabric store. Goodbye frustration and overwhelm!
- What prints are easiest to use, and how to use them
- Choose fabrics that show your travels and experiences
- There are several easy activities to exercise what you have learned
- A shopping list
- Fabric Swatch File to keep track of your ideas
- More color swatches!
- Over 45 pages long
- Lots of room to make notes, jot down ideas, and trigger your memories!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I love it! This like a reference book – you can go to different sections as you need advice! – Hannah